JordiDesvilar's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Cardona, Spain
Places added to Fréjus, France
Places visited in Lemgo, Germany
Places visited in Beaucaire, France
Places added to Barcelona, Spain
Places visited in Chartres, France
Barcelona, Spain

Inquisition's Blazon

On the wall of this medieval walkway, a symbol of the Spanish Inquisition.
Canet de Mar, Spain

Castell de Santa Florentina

Built on the foundations of an ancient Roman villa, the unique architecture of this castle on the Catalan coast was used as a set for 'Game of Thrones.'
Barcelona, Spain

'El Petó de la Mort' ('The Kiss of Death')

A cemetery in Barcelona's Poblenou district is home to this touching funerary statue, which depicts death in the form of a winged skeleton.
Beaucaire, France

Troglodyte Monastery of Saint Roman

This fascinating abbey is considered the oldest monastery in the region.
Salon-de-Provence, France

Maison de Nostradamus

The home where the famous astrologer wrote some of his most telling prophecies.
Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, France

Villa Kérylos

A reconstruction of a classic mansion on the island of Delos was designed for a historian and archaeologist.
Manresa, Spain

Les Arnaules Prehistoric Bridge

A long strip of fossil-filled limestone makes up this natural bridge above a rushing stream.
Cannes, France

Île Sainte-Marguerite

A fortress on this island housed the mysterious prisoner known as the "Man in the Iron Mask" for more than a decade.
Fréjus, France

Missiri Mosque

This mosque was based on Sub-Saharan Islamic architecture and created for the Senegalese Tirailleurs.
Sorano, Italy

Vie Cave

This network of roads is one of the most unique Etruscan creations ever discovered.
Cervera, Spain

Carreró de les Bruixes (Alley of Witches)

A signal indicates the entrance to this alley, rumored to be a meeting place for witches.
Manresa, Spain

Cave of Saint Ignatius

The grotto where Saint Ignatius of Loyola lived as a hermit for nearly a year.